Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI, Speaks at Georgetown University — Berkley Center


Originally Published by OMIUSA JPIC

Fr. Séamus Finn, in his role as ICCR Board Chair, recently spoke on Faith, Money, and Promoting Inclusive Development at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. Joining him on the panel was  Dr. Jo-Marie Griesgraber of New Rules for Global Finance, based in Washington, DC.

Dr. Jo-Marie Griesgraber

The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) has a long history of leading and challenging notions of ethics and accountability in the financial system through robust engagement with private institutions and corporations. Founded with the mission of building a more just and sustainable world by integrating social values into corporate and investor actions, the ICCR is often faced with navigating complex and controversial issues, ranging from banking, to mining, to labor practices.

At this event, Fr. Séamus and Dr. Griesgraber explored the current challenges of inclusive and economically sustainable global development within a fragile and constrained ecosystem. They discussed how people of faith are contributing to these debates—both through the alignment of their investments with principles of their faith and by using their voice for advocacy in the public square. Dr. Griesgraber presented on the role of governments and global financial institutions and Fr. Seamus covered the role of the private sector.

Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI

Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI is also Chief of Faith Consistent Investment for the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate’s OIP Investment Trust. OIP manages the long term financial assets of the Oblate Congregation and serves over 200 Roman Catholic related entities.

The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of religion, ethics, and public life. Through research, teaching, and service, the center explores global challenges of democracy and human rights; economic and social development; international diplomacy; and interreligious understanding. Two premises guide the center’s work: that a deep examination of faith and values is critical to address these challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace. The Center was created in 2006.
